I did it. I reached a goal that I never in my life thought I would. Today I weighed up...105lbs. 105lbs gone. People I never, EVER want to hear anyone say “I can’t do it” “fitness isn’t my thing, I don’t have it in me” or “I just never have the time or energy” That’s exactly how I felt but on level 15. Being overweight is something I’ve struggled with ever since I was a young kid. Growing up, especially through school, I dealt with low self-esteem, being self-conscious, and never having the confidence in myself that a young guy should have. Felt like people judged me everywhere I went. The first pic is exactly how I spent my life from age 17 to about a year and a half ago. 320 pounds of pure denial, alcohol, fast food, and sugar, were just a total waste of time that I took for granted. I decided to make a change. Now here I am and I can say I’m so proud of myself. And I also want to give so much glory to God for giving me the strength I needed to pursue such a goal of mine. It’s been such a rough road and I’ve still got a ways to go but, I’m so thankful for my friends and family that have kept the motivation and kind words flowing that have pushed me. Guys, I’m serious when I say I feel like a new man. My mind is more clear. I’m so much more energetic and agile. My physical and mental stability has improved so much since I’ve been focused on my fitness and health, it’s unbelievable. I also want to give a huge thanks to 1Mission Nutrition and The Muscle and his team for having such a great product as far as supplements. They have played such a big role as well on my road to fitness.