"Hi there! I’m Dana Pierce. I am originally from the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. I have been back in Utah for almost 8 years and absolutely love it here! I completed my degree in Exercise and Sport Science with an emphasis in Human Movement Science from Utah State University.

I was a competitive ballet dancer from a very young age. I grew up with 5 brothers and we were constantly active. As a child, I watched my Dad workout on his airdyne bike for what seemed like hours. A passion for movement and nutrition was instilled in me from a very young age, and I found a great love as I grew up for weight training and exercise of any kind. From powerlifting, to competing in figure competitions, to CrossFit, to group fitness classes. You name it, I have done it and have loved every bit of it.

I also worked alongside my Dad in his company where he rehabilitated patients who had back and joint injuries using purely exercise therapy. My father passed away 15 years ago and I feel I honor his life’s work and passion every time I pick up a weight. I earned my NASM-CPT certificate with the goal of sharing my passion for training with as many people as possible to live a healthy and vibrant life not only through movement but through nutrition as well. I am fascinated by the human body and its capabilities. I am a lifelong learner and am constantly reading about and learning about all things fitness and nutrition

When I am not in the gym you can find me traveling and spending time with my husband Mike and our daughters Poppy and Penelope and our dogs Max and Bentley."



"My fitness and bodybuilding journey began when I decided I know longer wanted to be the “skinny girl”. As a former ballerina and cheerleader, I always felt the pressure to maintain a small physique. I was the typical “I don’t want to get bulky” kind of girl but I just knew I was over this “skinny” phase. After hanging up the pointe shoes and Pom Poms, I felt a strong desire to discover a new passion and eventually longed for the stage again.In 2016, I became intrigued by the athletic physiques and beauty within the bikini division of bodybuilding. I watched many competitions on YouTube and finally thought “oh I can do that.” Shortly after that, I began training and in 2018 I competed in my first bikini competition. At that moment, I felt a new passion being born. There I decided I wanted to take it further by getting my Personal Training and Nutrition certifications so I can share my passion with others. Fast Forward, I am now a mom to one, wife and entrepreneur. I have competed in two bikini competitions and am currently striving to earn my pro card in a Natural Bodybuilding League. I started with 1Mission Nutrition as an ambassador and fell in love with the products, the mission and community. I knew I wanted to be more involved with 1Mission somehow. I reached out and let God do his work. Closed mouths don’t get fed, and you can’t get what you want if you are not willing to put yourself out there for it. Now I am proud to be a 1Mission Nutrition Coach." 



  • Husband & Proud Father
  • Ex-Collegiate Basketball Athlete
  • Hybrid Athlete
  • NASM Certifies Trainer
  • Entrepreneur

"My journey of fitness started when I was younger around the age of middle school. I ran into fitness along side basketball and not being super gifted in height. I was super strict on having heart, and putting forth effort to stand out. Won multiple awards. Jim Thorpe award, Academic Award, Set 3pt shooting record etc. After all that was said and done i transitioned over into Bodybuilding. I just loved to compete & I knew basketball wouldn’t last forever I’ve trained for over 10+years while also being a (NASM) Certified Personal Trainer for over 7 years. I believe working out with me I not only will build your fitness goals to be true but also I will build your mindset, discipline, and just overall aspect as a human being 10x more."